A video audit is meant to give a comprehensive overview on an organization’s existing video content. Furthermore, it presents valuable momentum to locate this content in the overall video strategy and to plan future video production projects. Like any audit, it is a moment of assessment and, if needed, change.
Preparative Steps
How to prepare a video audit? It is admittedly time consuming, but effective to gather some key data about your existing video content. Title, place, release date, topic, video type, keywords, target group, key metrics, aims and usage should be the most important ones. Make sure to screen all standard video platforms that you have published content on, not to forget all your social media channels and all sections and site pages of your homepage.

Assessing videos does not only consist of watching them. That is, of course, the first step. Preferably, with more eyes than just two to gather different perspectives. Afterwards, it is time for critical reflection. What were the video’s performance indicators such as engagement or conversion rates? How do you see the video’s quality and value (from different department’s views)? This is the point, where the previous preparation will be showing off its worth. By the established categories, you will now easily identify potential gaps in your existing content and where you might need to focus on in your new future-proof strategy.
At the end of the day, the goal of the audit is to get a clear strategy for each piece of video content you assessed. It is like sorting out clothes of a wardrobe: keep it, throw it away, re-use it, or have it re-done by a tailor? These four strategies will help you get a clear visual on your existing video content.
1. Do keep the videos of high quality that show a good performance and still currently convince with a high relevance.
2. Do remove those that are the exact opposite, or that simply no longer fit your brand.
3. Re-use the videos that are high quality and highly relevant by twisting their distribution and marketing to make sure to use those videos’ potential to the fullest.
4. And, re-do those that are no longer up-to-date or of lower quality. Don’t shy away from leaning on the same concept. Mostly, just a simple twist and a re-shoot with new, state-of the art technology will do the trick.

Talk to your trusted video partner for any further questions about video auditing. If you have an excellent partner, they will even offer to support or conduct this audit with or for you. Contact us at info@ghostpicturesproduction.com and we’ll refer you just to the right expert for this job.